
Our realization Domažlice Cultural Center is the winner of two prestigious competitions


The competition "The Building of the Year of the Pilsen region" aims to acquaint the widest professional and lay public with the level of construction and architecture of the Pilsen Region and to support quality comprehensive implementation, from the architectural concept to the craft detail.

Our realization Kulturní centrum - Pivovar Domažlice from the category Reconstruction of buildings became the winner of the competition Construction of the Year of the Pilsen Region - 2020

The successful reconstruction of the large brewery building in Domažlice into a modern multifunctional facility brings new leisure, educational and social activities together with a renewed century-old tradition of beer production.
We completely equipped the whole building with furniture, TON chairs, metal shelves in the library and tables with engraving.
The whole project was realized according to the design of the father and son Březinová from the studio MEPRO


But this is not the end. Domažlice Brewery, whose interior we realized, not only won the Construction of the Year award of the Pilsen Region in the category of Reconstruction of Buildings, but now also received the Opera Civitatem award in the category of the Minister for Regional Development OPERA CIVITATEM 2021

Award of the Minister for Regional Development Klára Dostálová OPERA CIVITATEM 2021 for the town of Domažlice for the reconstruction of Hvozd, the southern and western wings of the Domažlice brewery and its transformation into cultural in the new Cultural Center - Domažlice Brewery and the MEPRO architectural studio for architectural design including interiors in the new Cultural Center - Domažlice Brewery.

The diploma was handed over by the Minister for Regional Development Klára Dostálová to the Mayor of Domažlice JUDr. Zdeněk Novák and Ing. arch. Ivan Březin from the MEPRO studio.

The nominated cities were: Brno, Domažlice, Plzeň, Sokolov and Šumperk.

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