
ARBYD's furniture for the Swedish hospital is designed by shared documentation


ARBYD's furniture for the Swedish hospital is designed by shared documentation

Arbyd has a well-established period of pandemics and lockdowns. "Owing to a large portfolio of customers and products, we did not record any significant decrease in production volume," says Lukáš Mudra. In addition, the company won another large foreign contract - the supply of furniture for about 25 million crowns for a hospital in Sweden. "This whole project is drawn in the online project documentation (BIM), which allows us and the client to immediately share information. Because of this, we see all the changes on the construction site and at the same time we are able to extract individual dimensions and information for the production and installation of furniture,” explains Mudra.

In addition to the Swedish market, Arbyd currently sees great potential in Germany, for example. "However, it is a specific market that requires the establishment of a local company, GmbH, a limited liability company. We haven't gone this way yet. We have built trust with our partners there and so far it works. ”The Pilsen-based company also maintains a connection with the island market even after Brexit. "We have exported to the UK through a business partner in the past. At present, these are individually projects, where the expedition and installation has always been provided by the customer himself” explains Lukáš Mudra.

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