
Project Interreg Europe Repower Industries


European factories and buildings need more reliable and affordable energy ?, so they aren't dependent on outside sources ?. Recent events have highlighted this issue ?. This is where Repower Industries steps in, aiming to promote better policies for Industrial Energy independence and safety ?.

Our objective is to promote the energy independency of industries, especially in strategic sectors, assuring the energy self-sufficiency of factories and tertiary buildings, providing them with energy availability at any time at an affordable price ?.

The Repower Industries consortium successfully carried out the project’s Kick-off meeting, on the 21st and 22nd of May at the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Prague. 

Partners attended a study visit at ARBYD, a Czech furniture manufacturer that offers full-scope services in manufacturing, assembly and delivery of furniture. ARBYD combines several types of renewable energy sources to be a self-sufficient company. By using sun rays to generate electricity, the company not only helps to reduce C02 emissions, but also the overall cost of energy.

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